A friend of mine who's a big fan of Western brands has introduced me to the new world (for me) called Sephora and along with that, she also helped me in discovering some items in drugstore that I usually just walked passed by as I was only a fan of Maybelline.
Introducing the Bourjois Paris, a brand originated from France that has recently hit Watsons Malaysia. I read reviews by local beauty bloggers and few of them even admitted that the foundation from this brand is one of the first foundation they actually finished quickly and get the second (even third) bottle right after they finished the first one. I tried this once using my friend's and quickly fall in love with it! For the past year I've been focusing on Korean makeups that usually give me light to medium coverage but now I'm thinking of expanding my interest on foundations as I gotta admit, though my Spot Treatment products are working their way into my skin, there are days I just want to cover up all the things I hate on my skin. For a start, I got myself that Healthy Mix Foundation in #55 Dark Beige, Healthy Mix Correcting Concealer in #53 Dark Radiance, Healthy Balance Unifying Powder in #55 Dark Beige, and Blush in #74 Rose Amber. I really hope the first impression of these products gonna last.
Thanks to her again, I got introduced to Real Techniques makeup brushes.

From left, Core Collection, Foundation Brush, Expert Face Brush, Powder Brush, Blush Brush, and Setting Brush.
I only have some makeup puffs that I got from TheFaceShop to apply liquid foundation so when I look for beauty tutorials for that Bourjois foundations, I see a lot of Beauty YouTubers use either brushes or makeup sponges and this brand has been used a lot in those videos. So, after some consideration and price surveys, I found 2 re-sellers that sold these brushes to me at such an affordable price. Following makeup application, from left:
- Foundations - Expert Face Brush, Foundation Brush and Buffing Brush,
- Under eye and Contouring - Point Foundation Brush and Contour Brush.
- Concealer - Detailer Brush - though most of the time I use this as lip brush.
- Powder - Powder Brush and Setting Brush
- Blush - Blush Brush
I guess that's all for this month's haul. I'm so happy with these purchases as I'm starting into makeup and they're just awesome for beginners like me.
Let me know what you think by leaving comments down below.
Until next post, annyeong~
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